This obituary is on page five of the Waterville Times dated December 9, 1921.
Will be Greatly Missed in Many Local Organizations
With Which He Was Connected
Col. William Cary Sanger died from pneumonia in a Brooklyn hospital last Tuesday, December 6th, following an operation. With his family he left his home near here last month for Brooklyn. He had planned after a short stay there to spend the winter in the south. While in Brooklyn his physical condition became such that a slight operation was thought advisable. He was operated upon last week Thursday and apparently rallied from the effects of it according to advices received by his friends here the latter part of the week. His condition, however, became worse, pneumonia developed, and he failed rapidly until the end.
Col. Sanger was born in Brooklyn, the son of Henry and Mary E. Requa Sanger, May 21, 1853. He lived for many years on Brooklyn Heights, attending Polytechnic Institute. He was graduated from Harvard in 1874, and later attended the Columbia Law School, graduating from there in 1878 with the degree of LL. B.
Mr. Sanger opened an office and practiced law in New York City for a time and presumably would have had a successful career in that profession had he determined to follow it. He was interested, however, in country life and it was attractive to him. Accordingly, he purchased a handsome property in the town of Sangerfield not far from the village of Waterville, a region with which his family had been identified ever since white men settled in this section.
Large Land Holder.
Col. Sanger acquired a large area of land in this section, and erected on Sanger Hill commanding a wide view, a very handsome stone edifice which was commodious and supplied with every modern convenience and attraction. Here he passed his summers, surrounded by his family and friends, dispensing hospitality and affording positive pleasure to very many. The house is one of the finest in this section of the country, dignified in architecture and thoroughly attractive within and without. The farm connected with the property is in charge of an expert and the best stock, appliances and methods were utilized.
Several years since Col. Sanger was instrumental in establishing the Sangerfield Country Club which occupied the house where he formerly lived, a property which lent itself readily to such purposes. The membership was not confined to residents of the town of Sangerfield but included people from various sections of Oneida County, a good many being from Utica, and it was frequently visited during the automobile season.
It was customary there to hold one or two farmers' meetings every summer, addressed by men of prominence, and the occasion was always largely attended and thoroughly enjoyed. It provided not only a pleasant outing for those present but the discussions were entertaining and helpful.
In politics, Col. Sanger was a Republican. Not long after coming to Sangerfield he took an active interest in public affairs and was elected member of the Assembly from the second district of Oneida County. He held this office three terms, 1895-97, inclusive, rendering very valuable service to his constituents and the state.
Active in Military Affairs
Col. Sanger always took a lively interest in military affairs. He was an honorary member of Company G, 21st Regiment, N. G. N. Y. he served on the staff of Gen. McLear as quartermaster and inspector major of the 13th Regiment. He was a state inspector assistant chief of artillery in the state militia and was held in high regard and respect by the officers and members of the National Guard.
When war with Spain was declared Col. Sanger volunteered and his ability was recognized by making him lieutenant colonel of the 203d Volunteer Infantry, U. S. A. He went with the regiment, devoting him assiduously to the task and doing excellent work.
The regiment was in camp for some time in the south, but the war was over before it saw active service and at its conclusion Col. Sanger resigned his commission.
Following his appointment by President McKinley as Assistant Secretary of War under Secretary Root, he took charge of militia activities, and during the absence of Mr. Root at the Alaskan Boundary Tribunal conference in London, was in charge of the War Department.
During the world war he was in Washington as director of military relief, Potomac Division, American Red Cross. He was head of the United States delegation to the international conference in Geneva in 1906 to revise the treaty of 1814, and was chairman of a National Guard commission appointed by Governor Hughes in 1907. He was a trustee of Hamilton College, and was a member of many colonial societies. In 1911 to 1913 he was president of the State Hospital Commission.
Long a Mason.
Col. Sanger was a member of Sanger Lodge, No. 129, F. & A. M. He was a member of the Oneida Historical Society and served as its president. He belonged to the Colonial Order of Acorns, and at one time was its chancellor. He belonged to the New York State Society of Colonial Wars and was once its governor. He was a member of the Order of Founders and Patriots and was chosen it governor general.
When the Oneida County League for Good Roads was established, he was elected president and was much interested in the work. He was a vestryman of Grace Episcopal Church of Waterville. He was a valued member of the Pickwick Club. He belonged to various other organizations, local and otherwise, where his membership and assistance were highly prized. He had the honor of being the only life member of the Automobile Club of Utica.
Col Sanger married Mary Ethel Cleveland Dodge of New York February 23, 1892, who survives him, with the following children; William Cary Sanger, jr., Lillian Schuffelin Sanger, Mary Ethel Sanger and Richard Hardanger Sanger.
The funeral was held from Grace Church, Brooklyn Heights, N. Y. at 2 0'clock yesterday afternoon.
At the hour of the funeral a bell in the chimes tower at the Masonic Temple was tolled to his memory.
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